Holiness in Freedom: Unity

Warm Up:

Consider this saying: “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.” Has this mindset ever led you into trouble?

Have you ever stood firmly on your convictions, not being swayed by others?

Exploring 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:01

In verse 23, Paul calls out two phrases the Corinthians use to justify their freedom. How does he correct them? How does verse 24 instruct them on properly using and applying their freedom?

Paul makes the point that pagan worship did not contaminate meat that had been sacrificed to idols and mature believers were free to eat it. In verses 25-30, what is Paul saying about Christian liberty? Why does he encourage them not to eat the meat in the presence of unbelievers? Reading verses 32-33, how important is it to avoid becoming a stumbling block?

Many find it difficult to navigate “gray areas.” How do you manage these types of situations?

How does verse 31 relate to Colossians 3:17? What is the benefit (to you, to others, the church) of seeking to glorify God in everything we do?

In 11:1, Paul makes it clear that it is his ultimate goal to follow the example of Christ. What characteristics of Paul's life inspire you? What is the ultimate goal of your life?


Perhaps there are “gray areas” you have been careless with lately that may be stumbling blocks to others. List them. What are steps you can take to remove those barriers in your relationship with others?


Compare your participation in the Christian life with a football game. Which phrase best describes you?

- In the bleachers (I’m just watching from a distance.)

- On the bench (I’m excited and ready to get in the game!)

- On the field (I’m in the game and loving every minute of it!)

- In the locker room (For some reason, I’m done. I need help.)


List one or two prayer concerns you can share with your group. If you have one, share a praise with the group.